Panaji: Utpal Parrikar, son of late former Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar quit the BJP on Friday. He announced that he would contest as an Independent candidate from Panaji in the upcoming Assembly elections in Goa. Manohar Parrikar was a three-time Goa Chief Minister and has been the saffron party's top leader in the coastal territory. A charismatic Parrikar held the Panaji constituency for 25 years and died while in office as Chief Minister.
Speaking about his decision, Utpal Parrikar said he had no other choice. "I was left with no other choice. I have resigned from the party and I would be contesting as an independent from Panaji," he told the media. Terming the resignation as a "formality" he said that BJP will "always remain in my heart. It is a difficult choice for me, I am doing it for the people of Goa. No one should be worried about my political future, people of Goa will take care of it."
"The BJP had offered him 'other options' (constituencies other than Panaji). I am fighting for the values which I believe in. Let the people of Panaji decide. I cannot negotiate with my party," he said. "If not BJP, then I would go for (contesting as) independent. I will not go for any other political party," said Utpal. Utpal's announcement comes a day after BJP announced its first list of 34 candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections in Goa in which he was not given a chance.