New Delhi:Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi against the backdrop of the interim bail granted to Karnataka BJP MLA Madal Virupakshappa earlier on Tuesday. Drawing a comparison of this case with the case of AAP leader Manish Sisodia, who he claimed had been arrested despite being innocent.
In a tweet written in Hindi, Kejriwal highlighted how the officials who raided Sisodia's property had not found anything and yet he was arrested. "Nothing was found in the raid at Manish Sisodia's house. He was arrested under multiple sections of the CBI, ED (Enforcement Directorate). So much cash was found from your party's MLA. Why was he not arrested?" questioned the AAP Chief in his tweet, further intensifying his attack with, "Now don't ever talk about fighting corruption. It's a bit rich coming from you."
Last week, Lokayukta allegedly seized over Rs 8 crore from V Prashanth Madal, the son of an MLA who was named accused number one in a bribery case. In response, Arvind Kejriwal sarcastically suggested that the MLA's son may receive a "Padma Bhushan" award for his actions.