New Delhi: BJP national president J P Nadda has launched a counter-attack on the Opposition following their joint statement on the incidents of intolerance in the country attacking the Centre. Nadda's open letter to the public denying the Opposition's allegation and accusing them of a "dusted and rusted approach of vote bank, divisive politics, and selective politics" seemingly indicates that the BJP is worried that the public may blame the Centre for failing to contain incidents of communal violence in the country.
The recent scuffle at JNU during Navratri and incidents of violence during Ram Navami processions have created a stir in national politics, making the BJP uncomfortable. The Opposition has latched on to an opportunity to corner the BJP. Recently, Congress president Sonia Gandhi in an article expressed concern over the increasing incidents of intolerance in the country and directly blamed the Centre for it. Thereafter, 13 Opposition parties in a joint statement questioned Prime Minister Narendra Modi's silence over the issue.
Nadda through his letter has tried to tell the public that the BJP-led NDA has earned their support through development work while the Opposition was resorting to petty vote bank politics. He also accused the Opposition of resorting to divisive politics.