New Delhi: BJP continued to attack Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his viral video of a nightclub party in Kathmandu. The BJP, on Wednesday, asked why does Rahul Gandhi have ties only with those who are challenging India's territorial integrity?. In-charge of BJP's national information and technology department Amit Malviya said that Sumnima Udas is a Nepali diplomat's daughter, who actively supports Nepal's claim over regions of India's Uttarakhand.
Sharing a screenshot of Udas's tweet, Malviya said: "Rahul Gandhi was supposedly at the wedding of Sumnima Udas, a Nepali diplomat's daughter, who actively supports Nepal's claim over regions of India's Uttarakhand. From China to Nepal, why does Rahul have ties only with those who are challenging India's territorial integrity?"In the tweet, she supported Nepal's new map issued by then Nepalese Prime Minister K.P.S. Oli which claimed Indian territory (Kalapani, Limpiyadhura and Lipulekh of Uttarakhand). In the tweet, she had said, "Nepal issues a new map..... should have been done decades ago."
Also read:BJP tweets Rahul's video at Nepal club, Cong says he is in Himalayan nation for friend's wedding