Mumbai:After RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat expressed concern over the rising consumption of narcotics in the society, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut on Friday hit out at the Centre saying that although Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier asserted that demonetisation would curb the drug menace, it was still present in the country.
Raut also asked who the Sangh supremo would hold responsible for the prevailing drug situation.
The Sena leader said that Bhagwat's remarks show he has admitted that something was wrong with the assurances given by the Union government and their implementation.
During his annual address made on the occasion Vijayadashmi in Nagpur earlier in the day, Bhagwat spoke on many issues, including drugs, which he said was being consumed by all sections of the society and posing a threat to the national security.
Referring to Bhagwat's remarks, Raut told reporters, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi had consistently promised that his decision to implement demonetisation was an attack on black money raised through drugs trade and which was allegedly used for anti-national activities."