New Delhi: Instant Messaging app WhatsApp appointed Manesh Mahatme as the head of its digital payments business in India on Monday. "Payments on WhatsApp is uniquely placed to be a significant partner in the country's growth agenda by making digital payments accessible to users across the length and breadth of India. I am super excited to be a part of this growth story," said Manesh Mahatme.
"We are excited to have Manesh join our WhatsApp India team. Manesh has been one of key innovators driving the growth of digital payments in India over the last decade, and his experience will help us maximize the impact and scale of payments on WhatsApp. WhatsApp has immense potential to digitally empower people across segments and help accelerate the Government of India's efforts to drive financial inclusion through UPI and digital payments," said Abhijit Bose, Head of WhatsApp in India.