Kolkata (West Bengal): The West Bengal police have launched a drive to check the credentials of those Afghan citizens currently residing in Kolkata, given the recent developments in the war-torn nation of Afghanistan. Checklists include authentication of passports, duration of visas and a fresh background check. While the focus will be on Afghan citizens, the city and state police sleuths will also bring under strict surveillance the activities of citizens from Bangladesh and African countries who are currently residing in West Bengal.
According to sources from Kolkata Police, the movements of foreigners residing in the state will be tracked in a bid to curb activities such as terror networks or espionage.
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"Generally, Afghan citizens who are currently staying in the state now, are here for two reasons. One group is involved in the trade of dry fruits and money lending. The second group is here for the purpose of treatment. They mainly reside in the Park Circus and Topsia. Several restaurants of Afghan delicacy have been set up in these regions. Now we will conduct their fresh background check, authenticity of passports and terms of the visas," a police official said.