Durgapur(West Bengal):West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday assured a government job to the 23-year-old woman whose right hand has been severed from the wrist by her husband after she got a government job. The Chief Minister has also assured that the state government will bear all her medical expenses.
"Renu Khatun from Ketugram (East Burdwan) whose right hand was chopped off by her husband had been enlisted for the government job of a nurse. Since she has lost her right hand, we will give her a government job that would suit her,” Banerjee told the media after she met the ailing woman on Wednesday evening.
Ensuring that the government would also arrange for a prosthetic hand, Banerjee said, “Chief secretary H.K. Dwivedi has been asked to take care of Renu Khatun’s treatment. We are also trying for an artificial hand".
Renu, overwhelmed with the gesture of the chief minister said, “I have heard a lot about her but today I realised the generosity of our chief minister. I am grateful to her. She stood beside me as mother stands beside her child. I want the culprits should be severely punished.”