Kolkata: In a major jolt to the BJP on Sunday, party MP Arjun Singh, rejoined the Trinamool Congress (TMC), the party which he left ahead of the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. He won from the Barrackpore Lok Sabha seat on a BJP ticket. "Warmly welcoming former Vice President of @BJP4Bengal and MP from Barrackpore, Shri @ArjunsinghWB into the All India Trinamool Congress family. He joins us today in the presence of our National General Secretary Shri @abhishekaitc," TMC tweeted.
Earlier in the day, Singh held a marathon meeting with the ruling party's national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee at his office in south Kolkata. According to sources, Singh reached Banerjee's office around 4:30 pm and sat for a meeting with senior TMC leaders. "There is nothing as such that be termed as the last word in politics," Singh, the BJP state vice-president, told reporters without elaborating.