Kolkata:Having almost completed the first stage of its investigation into the multi-crore West Bengal School Service Commission (WBSSC) recruitment scam, which involved the inward flow of the scam proceeds, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is now set to enter the second stage of its probe, which is identifying the distribution and expenditure pattern of the accumulated proceeds of crime.
This second phase, according to CBI sources, is crucial since it would reveal more names of influential persons who are the beneficiaries of the scam."In any financial embezzlement of this nature, the number of names involved in the proceeds collection process are less than the number of people involved in the distribution process.
For any scam, it is important for the scamsters to keep in confidence the influential people in the political and administrative set up to keep the scam under the carpet. "Hence the involvement of influential people is more at the proceeds distribution level than in the collection level. The process of identifying the big names at the collection level is almost complete, and it is now time to identify those involved in the outward flow of the proceeds," a CBI official said.