Kolkata: The West Bengal Police have served a legal notice to the director of "The Diary of West Bengal" alleging him of attempting to defame West Bengal through the movie and directed him to appear for questioning in Kolkata. Renowned filmmaker Sanoj Mishra is the director and writer of the film. Mishra has been asked to appear at Kolkata's Amherst Street police station on May 30 in connection with the investigation.
A case has been registered against the film director in Kolkata's Amherst Street police station under several sections pf the Indian Penal Code, Information Technology Act and the Cinematograph Act. Referring to the case, West Bengal Police, in its legal notice stated that there are "relevant grounds" to question Mishra to "ascertain the facts and circumstances of this case".
The West Bengal Police has directed the film director to appear before inspector Subhabrata Kar, additional officer-in-charge at 12 pm on May 30 at Amherst Street police station. Further, inspector-in-charge of Mumbai's Oshiwara police station has been asked to inform Mishra about this.