Kolkata:As ordered by the Calcutta High Court on Saturday, West Bengal Minister and ex-Education Minister of the state Partha Chatterjee reached AIIMS, Bhubaneswar by air ambulance on Tuesday. The minister was accompanied by a doctor from SSKM Hospital and his advocate, as per Calcutta HC's order.
The minister has been in the custody of the Enforcement Directorate for his alleged involvement in the SSC recruitment scam. The Calcutta HC had passed his shifting orders as requested in the ED plea that demanded the transfer of ‘highly influential’ Chatterjee from the state-run SSKM hospital to an impartial hospital owing to his ill health, further alleging that the state-run hospital was trying to hide the accused in the name of treatment.
Also read:After Arpita another woman close to Partha Chatterjee under ED lens