New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday conducted searches at the premises of one of the directors of Zanmai Lab Pvt Ltd, which owns the popular cryptocurrency exchange WazirX, and issued an order to freeze its bank balances to the tune of Rs 64.67 crore. The ED is conducting a money laundering investigation against a number of Indian NBFC companies and their fintech partners for predatory lending practices in violation of the RBI guidelines and by using tele-callers who misuse personal data and use abusive language to extort high-interest rates from the loan takers.
The ED official said that various fintech companies backed by Chinese funds could not get an NBFC license from the RBI for carrying on lending business. So they devised the MoU route with defunct NBFCs to piggyback on their license. "After the criminal investigation began, many of these fintech APPs have shut shop and diverted away the huge profits earned using the above modus operandi," the official said.
While doing the fund trail investigation, the ED found that funds were diverted by the fintech companies to purchase crypto assets and then launder them abroad. These companies and the virtual assets are untraceable at the moment. Summons were issued to the crypto exchanges. It is seen that the maximum amount of money was diverted to WazirX exchange and the crypto-assets so purchased have been diverted to unknown foreign wallets.
"Zanmai Labs Pvt Ltd - the company owning WazirX Crypto Exchange - has created a web of agreements with Crowdfire Inc. USA, Binance (Cayman Islands), and Zettai Pte Ltd Singapore, to obscure the ownership of the crypto exchange. Earlier, their Managing Director Nischal Shetty had claimed that WazirX is an Indian Exchange that controls all the crypto-crypto & INR-crypto transactions and only has an IP and preferential agreement with Binance. But now, Zanmai claims that they are involved in only INR-crypto transactions, and all the other transactions are done by Binance on WazirX. They are giving contradictory & ambiguous answers to evade oversight by Indian regulatory agencies," the ED has observed.
Also read: ED serves FEMA notice to crypto exchange WazirX: MoS Finance in Parliament