New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate a municipal solid waste based Gobar-Dhan plant in Indore in Madhya Pradesh on Saturday which will produce compressed natural gas (CNG) and compost fertilizer as per the government’s aim of creating garbage-free cities by converting waste-to-wealth. Officials in the Prime Minister’s Office said the Gobar Dhan plant, which uses cow and buffalo dung as raw material to produce bio-CNG was based on the principle of circular economy to recycle organic waste to generate energy.
The Indore based plant will have a capacity to treat 550 tonnes of segregated wet organic waste per day and it will produce 17,000 kilograms of CNG and 100 tonnes of organic compost per day. However, the Prime Minister will not visit the city but inaugurate the plant from New Delhi through a video link. He had recently launched the second phase of Swachh Bharat Mission Urban with the overall vision of creating garbage-free cities.
Swachh Bharat Mission Urban 2.0 has been implemented under the overarching principles of generating wealth by using waste material to maximize resource recovery as part of a circular economy which relies on recycling and reuse of waste material.
Officials said that Indore bio-CNG plant is based on the zero-landfill model, whereby no rejects would be generated. “The project is expected to yield multiple environmental benefits such as reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, providing green energy along with organic compost as fertilizer,” they said.