Chennai (Tamil Nadu): Days after two low-intensity explosions were reported at Jammu Air Force Station, Vice President of India M Venkaiah Naidu on Wednesday, said that terrorism is the enemy of mankind and also referred to the use of low-flying drones by terrorists. Speaking after visiting the site of India's first 3D Printed House in India at IIT Madras, the Vice President referred to the use of low-flying drones by terrorists and pointed that they cannot be detected by military radars. He called upon the research community and institutions like IITs to come up with intelligent solutions to thwart the sinister plans of terrorists to hurt the country's interests, according to Vice President's Secretariat.
Two low-intensity explosions were reported early Sunday morning in the technical area of Jammu Air Force Station. The attack carried out possibly using the improvised explosive device (IED), could not cause much damage and caused minor injuries to two personnel on duty. Two drones were used to drop explosives on the Jammu airbase by the attackers who then navigated their quadcopters out of that area, the sources had said. Earlier, Naidu commended the efforts of the team behind the project of India's first 3D Printed House - a joint collaboration of IIT Madras and a startup, Tvasta Manufacturing Solutions.