New Delhi: A visually impaired woman was raped in the national capital's Dwarka district following which the police have arrested one person, an official said on Thursday. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka) Shankar Choudhary said an information regarding rape with a blind woman was received from Deen Dayal Hospital at the Dabri police station area and the same was marked to the Investigative Officer for necessary action.
The incident took place on May 25 when the said woman alighted at a bus stop on the other side of the road. It was at this juncture, that the accused on the pretext of helping her cross the road, took her to another abandoned street and raped her. The investigative officer met the victim and accordingly, a case under section 376 (punishment for rape) was registered at the Dabri police station of Dwarka district, and a probe was initiated.
With the help of technical evidence, the accused was found, apprehended, and arrested. Later he was sent to judicial custody. Meanwhile, Chairperson, Delhi Commission for Women Swati Maliwal also met the victim girl and assured her all help. Anguished over the incident she questioned, "Is there any limit to human cruelty or not?"