Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand): The villagers of Syuna in Uttarkashi's Uttarakhand demand an electric trolley for crossing the Bhagirathi river which overflows on the arrival of the monsoon every year. Crossing the Bhagirathi river becomes quite a task, especially for children, older people, and pregnant women since this place is accident-prone and dangerous.
A wooden bridge along the river bank gets washed away every year, making the trolley traveling hanging on shabby ropes a compulsion for commuting leaving them with no choice. Villagers are crossing the Bhagirathi river by using unpaved culverts and trolleys.
The villagers of Syuna have been appealing to the government and the administration who have not been able to find a permanent solution in place of trolleys. The villagers are commuting on this shabby trolley and are putting their lives at risk by crossing the overflowing rivers since 2021. The biggest problem faced by the villagers is during the rainy days when the water level of Bhagirathi rises significantly.
The biggest problem is for school children, and pregnant women since traveling on this trolley which is hanging on to shabby ropes are highly dangerous and life-threatening. However, the villagers have no option but to reach the other side by pulling the rope off the trolley. Children miss their school because their parents fear accidents due to the weak ropes.