Muzaffarnagar:In Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar, a village head was arrested on Saturday after a video of him thrashing a Dalit man went viral on social media. Police registered a case under SC/ST Act and sent the accused to jail.
According to police, the incident happened in Tajpur village of Chappar police station area of Muzaffarnagar district, where a month ago the Gram Pradhan of the village named Shakti Mohan, called upon the victim Dalit man identified as Dinesh Jatwa to a third person's house and then thrashed him with sleepers.
Village head arrested for thrashing Dalit man in Muzaffarnagar Also read:Bilkis case: Three Muslim MLAs request President to revoke Gujarat decision to release 11 convicts
Dinesh Jatwa, narrating his ordeal alleged that "One day, I went to his village as we crossed each other, using a casteist slur he threatened me for not greeting him, at that time. I silently left the place. After some time, one day, me and my brother were going to Deoband, when his men came and took me to a third person's house. Wherein, he (Village head) thrashed me, hurled casteist slurs, and also gave death threats."
Talking about the incident Circle Officer, Hemant Kumar said, "A video of a Dalit man being thrashed is getting viral, the accused is been identified and a FIR has been registered under relevant sections. The accused has been arrested and further action is being taken."