Vijayawada (Andhra Pradesh):Head constable Tulsi Chaitanya from Vijayawada has created a record of sorts by swimming the English Channel in 15 hours and 18 minutes. The English Channel is known as the Mount Everest of swimming. This strait stretches from the coast of Dover in England to the coast of Calais in France.
Also read:Remembering Arati Saha - first Asian woman to swim across English Channel
He fulfilled the goal of swimming the 33.79 km long channel on July 27 after taking permission from the respective countries. Tulsichaitanya holds records for swimming the Palk Strait between India and Sri Lanka, the Zebra Strait between Tarifa and Mehra and the Bodensee Strait between Germany and Switzerland. Tulsi Chaitanya said that he is preparing to swim two more straits on the coast of England. He further stated that he is very happy to be the first Telugu swimmer to swim the English Channel.
Also read:New Hampshire 16-year-old swims across English Channel