Mathura (UP): The district magistrate here has ordered a probe into an alleged altercation between an Uttar Pradesh government official and a journalist over some pictures that purportedly showed the official carrying his pets in the government car. In a video that has gone viral on social media, Assistant Municipal Commissioner of Mathura-Vrindavan Municipal corporation Rajkumar Mittal could be seen scolding journalist Deepak Chaudhary for taking his pictures.
Chaudhary on the other hand remarked that when Mittal can take his dog in the official car why can't he take a picture? The officer left the spot only after a few when other journalists intervened. The incident took place on Thursday. Both, the officials and scribe have filed a police complaint against each other.
District Magistrate Pulkit Khare has formed a two-member investigation committee to probe the matter and sought a report within three days. The journalists later met Khare and complained about the matter. Chaudhary also submitted a police complaint regarding the matter. Meanwhile, Mittal said he had taken an adopted dog and two kittens to a veterinary doctor for vaccination.
"A man started taking pictures when I was returning from the veterinary hospital. When I tried to stop him, he started running so I chased and caught him. I have also filed a police complaint regarding the matter," he said. The Samajwadi Party (SP) attacked the BJP-led state government over the incident.
The video was shared on the Twitter handle of the opposition party with a caption reading, "Yogiji! (Yogi Adityanath) send someone from Lucknow who walks the dog of this sir (sahab) and cleans his dog's stool..." "...Otherwise your officers are busy walking the dogs while leaving the administrative work. This negligence and hooliganism of a government official at sensitive and global tourist destination like Vrindavan is unforgivable," the Akhilesh Yadav-led party added. (PTI)