Berhampur: A 34-year-old person, Jayashkar Munda, had a close shave while getting off a moving train at Berhampur railway station on Sunday. The incident happened when Munda was alighting the train 12840 Howrah Mail which arrived at platform number one at 12:32PM on Sunday. A Railway Protection Force (RPF) constable standing near the spot where Munda fell down from the train rushed to rescue him.
Munda was travelling along with his wife on a general ticket. He decided to get off at Berhampur station to take another train to Chennai. Munda attempted to get off the train when the train was still in motion. He tripped and fell into the gap portion between the platform and the train. Nonetheless, he managed to gather himself and came out of the narrow space. The RPF constable standing near the spot rushed towards him and pulled him away from the moving train. The entire incident was captured on a CCTV camera.