New Delhi: Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu on Saturday said that Sri Ramanujacharya's teachings of 'equality for all, welfare of all' must become the guiding light in the endeavour to build a 'New India'. Vice President's Secretariat in a statement informed that Naidu visited the 'Statue of Equality' in Hyderabad, a 216-feet tall statue of the 11th century Bhakti saint Sri Ramanujacharya, who promoted the idea of equality before God and engendered many social reforms in his time.
The Vice President suggested that 'we must strive to build a more egalitarian and equitable post-pandemic economic order in line with the teachings of Bhagavad Ramanuja.' Calling upon the youth to take inspiration from Sri Ramanujacharya's life, the Vice President said they must become key partners in building a society free of discrimination. 'Let us rededicate ourselves to follow the path shown by Sri Ramanujacharya and strive to alleviate the suffering of humanity by following the great Sage's dictum - 'Serve All Beings as Service to God'', he added.
Praising Sri Ramanujacharya for his untiring efforts to end the disparities of caste, class and gender, Naidu said that even though the saint had lived over a thousand years ago, his vision for peace and harmony remains eternally relevant. He observed that his philosophy of Vishistadwaita argued that there is "no room for discriminating against people on the basis of caste and community."
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