Pilibhit:Varun Gandhi, BJP MP from Uttar Pradesh's Pilibhit, fired away against his party on Monday, saying the act of evacuating stranded Indian students from Ukraine was not an 'opportunity' for the Indian government to display the act, but rather a diplomatic responsibility towards citizens of our country. Gandhi tweeted out on Monday, addressing the situation while adding the video clip of a student who is unable to leave the Eastern European country.
"More than 15,000 students are still stuck in the battlefield amid huge chaos due to not taking the right decisions at the right time. Their safe return by taking concrete strategic and diplomatic action is not a favor but our responsibility.
'Opportunity' should not be found in every disaster," the MP said in his tweet.
The clip attached to the BJP leader's tweet shows a young woman alleging Indian Embassy officials in Kyiv of continuously cutting her calls.
Also read:Disgruntled BJP MP Varun Gandhi targets Modi govt on bank frauds
"He has been continuously cutting our calls", she says, referring to an Embassy official. "We have sent him a video of the Romanian border, where girls are getting beaten up mercilessly. Today afternoon, they asked students stuck in Kyiv to leave via trains. In such a situation, instead of guiding us, they are cutting our calls and are completely ignoring us. Governments of all countries have evacuated their nationals, but the Indian government is doing nothing for us", she is further heard saying in the video.
This, significantly, does not mark the first time for Gandhi to oppose the BJP regime, having previously raised his voice on issues such as farmers' protest, the Lakhimpur Kheri incident, privatization, etc.