New Delhi: Delhi Assembly Speaker Ram Niwas Goel on Friday said the act of vandalism during a protest outside the residence of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal would "encourage anarchist elements" and "misguide" the young generations of the country. Addressing a press conference in the Assembly premises, he appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to "condemn it in the strongest words".
Activists of the BJP's youth wing BJYM, led by its president Tejasvi Surya, had staged a protest outside Kejriwal's residence here on Wednesday demanding his apology for allegedly "mocking" Kashmiri Pandits in the backdrop of "The Kashmir Files" film. Goel said, "I had met the CM the day this incident happened. CCTV (cameras) and barriers were damaged, and yellow paint was sprayed on walls. And, it was led by an MP, nothing can be more condemnable than that."