Dehradun: In a viral audio, veteran Congress leader and former CM Harish Rawat was heard expressing his desire to an unidentified Congress official to contest from Ramnagar Assembly seat. In the audio, he is pleading the Congress leader that he wants to contest from Ramnagar while the official was heard asking Rawat to campaign for Ranjit Rawat. He was directly asking Harish Rawat not to contest from Ramnagar in the audio. Although, ETV Bharat does not confirm this viral audio.
According to the sources, Harish Rawat wants to contest from Ramnagar assembly seat but Ranjit Rawat has been preparing for this seat for the last 5 years. The party leader in viral audio is directly refusing Harish Rawat to contest from the seat is seen requesting Harish Rawat to campaign for Ranjit Rawat.