Dehradun: A minor girl has been allegedly molested by the cook of a coaching centre for National Defence Academy (NDA) aspirants in Dehradun. Police sources said that a case has been registered on the basis of a complaint lodged by the girl's family members at the Raipur Police Station. Taking cognizance of the complaint lodged by the girl's family members the Women's Commission sent a fact-finding team to the hostel of the coaching centre on Wednesday.
The family members of the girl said that she is a resident of Bareilly and was taking coaching for NDA at the Doon Defence Academy located on Sahastradhara Road, Dehradun for several days. They also said that the girl's father deposited a fee of Rs. 50,000 to the coaching centre and was told by the management that all the employees of the hostel were women but after the alleged incident of molestation it came to light that the cook of the hostel is a man.