Haridwar: A man was detained by the Sidkul police here hours after he became a millionaire. Identified as Mahesh Singh Dhami, the accused won more than Rs 1 crore in the online game Dream 11 on Thursday. To celebrate this sudden bounty of money, he called up a few of his friends to celebrate. He drank to his heart's content and got heavily inebriated
Not in his senses, a rich and happy Mahesh started causing a ruckus in his residential area. Though his family and friends tried to stop him from doing anything untoward as it was late at night, he did not listen. Some time later, Mahesh's neighbours also started getting bothered by the behaviour and asked him to stop.
Drunk on his pride, Mahesh got enraged. The objection by the neighbours did not stop him, but in fact, escalated his behaviour. He started causing even more of a ruckus after that. After a minor scuffle, the neighbours realised that the man is heavily drunk and that there's no use reasoning with him. The neighbours therefore called the police, asking them to take cognizance of the matter and get the man under control.
The Sidkul police immediately reached the spot, and considering that the man is not his senses, tried to reason with him. They asked him to behave and not bother the neighbours. Mahesh was however in no position to listen to anybody still, not even the police officers. The officials therefore took him to the police station, and tried to reason with him there as well, but in vain.