Laksar: In a shocking incident, a man in Laksar district in Uttarakhand, allegedly put his wife at stake in gambling and lost her. Subsequently, he gave her triple talaq for refusing to have physical relationships with the gambling winners, the woman alleged. The woman, a resident of the Kotwali area, alleged that her husband Asif, a resident of Toda Kalyanpur, is a drug addict and a gambler who came home with two unidentified persons and said that he lost her in gambling and she would have to have physical relations with them.
When she refused, he gave her triple talaq, she said. The woman also accused her in-laws of dowry harassment despite having spent a huge amount of Rs 7 lakh in dowry including gold and silver jewelry and motorcycles at the time of her marriage in March 2021. She accused her husband of beating her and demanding a car even as she also alleged harassment by her in-laws over dowry.