Dehradun:Uttarakhand government on Monday decided to make the film 'The Kashmir Files' tax-free in the state. Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri's The Kashmir Files opened to a massive opening in the box office when it was released last Friday. Helmed by Anupam Kher, the film highlights the atrocities against Kashmiri Pandits in the 1990s when they were killed, persecuted and forced to leave their homes overnight.
"Today I got the opportunity to watch the film "The Kashmir Files" on the atrocities on Kashmiri Hindus, directed by Shri @vivekagnihotriji at the cinema hall in Dehradun. This film, which brings alive the culmination of the atrocities committed on the common man, makes the new generation aware of history," read Dhami's tweet (roughly translated from Hindi).
"I have directed Chief Secretary to take necessary action to make 'The Kashmir Files' movie tax-free in the state," said Uttarakhand acting Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. The film which outlines the brutalities endured by the Kashmiri Pandits has received a massive push from the Centre and states. It also got the prime minister's nod when the makers met him post-release. Several legislators also sought that the film be granted tax exemption.