Dehradun (Uttarakhand): Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will file his nomination papers from the Khatima constituency today for the upcoming state assembly elections. He performed puja at his residence before the nomination process today. "I always do puja before filing nomination papers. I asked God to show me the right path and sought his blessings."
Uttarakhand CM Dhami to file nomination from Khatima today
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will file his nomination papers from the Khatima constituency today for the upcoming state assembly elections.
Pushkar Singh Dhami's mother, Bishna Devi, while expressing confidence in her son's victory, said, "I believe that my son will be Chief Minister again." When asked about former Uttarakhand chief minister and Congress leader Harish Rawat's change in the election seat from Ramnagar to Lalkuan, Dhami said, "They (Congress) themselves have conflict within their own party. As a result of which the seats are changed every now and then." The Uttarakhand state legislative assembly election is scheduled to be held on February 14, while the counting of the votes will take place on March 10.
Also read:Uttarakhand Polls: BJP releases second list of candidates
Uttarakhand CM