Dehradun (Uttarakhand):Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will contest the upcoming bye-election from Champawat Assembly seat, the BJP announced on Thursday. The Central Election Committee of the Bharatiya Janata Party has given its approval to Pushkar Singh Dhami for the upcoming Uttarakhand Assembly by-election 2022, read the press note issued by BJP.
Uttarakhand CM Dhami to contest bypoll from Champawat
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will contest the upcoming bye-election from Champawat Assembly seat, the BJP announced on Thursday.
Earlier, BJP MLA Kailash Gehtori had resigned from the Champawat Assembly seat paving the way for Dhami to contest assembly by-polls. Despite the BJP winning the 2022 Assembly elections in Uttarakhand with a majority, Dhami lost the Khatima seat to Congress candidate Bhuwan Chandra Kapri.
Earlier on Monday, the Election Commission announced the schedule for the by-polls in three assembly constituencies in Odisha, Kerala and Uttarakhand. According to the Election Commission, the polling in these seats will be held on May 31 while the counting of votes will take place on June 3.