Dehradun: Around 64 per cent voter turnout was recorded in the by-election to Uttarakhand's Champawat Assembly constituency on Tuesday which will decide the fate of four candidates, including Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami. The voting began at 7 am and went on till 5 pm. By the time polling drew to a close, approximately 64 per cent of the electorate had cast their votes, District Magistrate Narendra Singh Bhandari said.
The voter turnout in the Champawat constituency in the Assembly polls held in February was around 66 per cent, he said. The slight drop in polling percentage may have been due to nearly three hours of rain in the district in the afternoon, election officials said. Dhami, who lost from Khatima in the February polls, is trying his luck from Champawat to get elected to the Assembly a constitutional requirement he needs to fulfil within six months of being sworn in as chief minister.