Mumbai:Model and TV actress Urfi Javed, who has recently been in the headlines for her controversial clothing choices, has urged the Mumbai Police to provide her with security claiming that her life is in danger. The request came after BJP leader Chitra Wagh expressed displeasure over Urfi Javed's clothes, and the matter escalated leading to a heated argument between the two.
Javed reached out to the Women's Commission to lodge a complaint against Wagh. Against this backdrop, Rupali Chakankar, chairperson of the Women's Commission, took cognizance of the matter and in a letter to Mumbai Police Commissioner Vivek Phansalkar, requested to provide security to Urfi. The letter also demands an Action Taken Report (ATR) from the officials in the matter.
In the complaint that Urfi Javed filed at the Women's Commission, she said, "I am working in the fashion and cinema industry. My lifestyle and appearance are professionally essential for me. In spite of this, Chitra Kishore Wagh has publicly threatened to beat me up for her own political gain and to gain personal fame by complaining about it. I might be attacked. This creates an unsafe environment for me and I cannot move freely. I therefore request security arrangements for myself."