Unnao: The Unnao police on Saturday arrested a man for raping and killing a Dalit girl in the Hussain Nagar village here. The accused has been identified as Rambaran Raj Gautam, who was arrested after a two-day-long investigation after the murder committed on Thursday. Superintendent of Police Siddharth Shankar Meena, who is probing the matter, said that the accused has confessed to the crime.
The matter came to light when the victim was found dead in her house, lying in a pool of blood with barely any clothes on her body. The victim's sister found the body when she returned home on Thursday at around 2 pm from school. Shocked by the disturbing site, she immediately informed her parents about the incident, who were also not at home when the incident happened.
As informed by accused Gautam in his confession, he was an acquaintance of the victim and in constant contact with her through calls and chats. When he found out that none of the victim's family members are home, he reached there on Thursday. He had consumed a heavy amount of potency drugs before reaching the victim's house, with the intention to establish a sexual relationship with her.