Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh State Women's Commission has taken cognizance of the alleged gang rape of a woman in Hamirpur on Tuesday and sought a report from the concerned Superintendent of Police. The Commission's chairperson Vimla Batham has sought a report from the Superintendent of Police of Hamirpur in this regard and directed police to ensure the strictest punishment for the accused.
Also read:Six youth assault a girl, tear down her clothes in Hamirpur, 3 held
According to police, the incident took place Tuesday afternoon when the woman with her male friend visited the City Forest area of Hamirpur. They were sitting at a remote spot when the accused youths saw them and allegedly gang-raped the woman, police said. The accused also recorded a video of the act.
DGP (Headquarters) has been directed to take strict action against the accused. ADG Law and Order Prashant Kumar said that, as soon as the incident was reported, Hamirpur SP was asked to immediately arrest the accused in this case.
According to the Hamirpur police, five of the six accused have been arrested after they were identified from the video. They have been identified as Kanhaiya Sharma, Pritam Sharma, Kamal Nishad. There are also two other minors.