Kaman (Bharatpur):In a rather eerie incident, a woman allegedly poisoned two hens of her neighbours because the birds would frequently come into her courtyard. The matter came to light when Hansira, a resident of the Ramji Gate area of Kamam town, reached the local police station on Monday with her dead hens. The police, astounded at the strangeness of the case, tried to explain to her and sent her home without registering a case due to lack of evidence.
Woman allegedly poisons neighbour's hens; police refuse to register case According to Hansira, her neighbour Rastuna would frequently fight with her over the hens entering her house and courtyard. Tired of the disturbance caused because of the hens, Rustana allegedly fed them flour laced with poison leading to their death. Though Hansira claims to have seen the hens being fed herself, the police did not take the case seriously.
Also read:Bird flu scare in Thane, 25,000 chickens to be culled in coming days
Hansira's son Mubarik, claiming that the woman had ill intentions for a long time, said, "The quarrel had been going on for a long time. She (Rustana) used to make an issue out of it every other day. We have been living here for ages, this is our ancestral home, and she would question who we are to let our hens roam around. We cannot control where the hens roam, we cannot put a leash on them."
He further said he is worried that a woman, who can poison their hens, may even pose a threat to the children of his family. "Today she poisoned our pets, who knows, she could do the same to our children tomorrow," Mubarik added. The local police have, however, refused to register a case in the matter while Hansira's family struggles to get justice for the sudden death of their hens.