Mathura: A video of two policemen beating a youth for not wearing a helmet has gone viral on the Internet. In the 40-second odd video said to be shot in Bhuteshwar Tirahe in Mathura district on July 17 two cops one of them a traffic policeman can be seen grabbing the youth by his hair and beating him inside a warehouse.
UP: Video of cops beating youth for not wearing helmet in Mathura goes viral
The youth somehow frees himself from the two cops and comes outside on the main road where he is seen shooting a video of one of the two cops who tortured him inside the warehouse.
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The youth somehow frees himself from the two cops and comes outside on the main road where he is seen shooting a video of one of the two cops who tortured him inside the warehouse. It is said that the policemen stopped the youth a resident of BSA Road in the Kotwali police station area for not wearing a helmet while riding a two-wheeler during vehicle checking in the city. When the young man protested, the cops beat him up.