Roorkee: In an example of faith and dutifulness, two brothers from Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahr district have embarked on Kanwar Yatra while carrying their mother and specially-abled brother on their shoulders. The journey from Bulandshahr to Haridwar is 250 km, but the two brothers Shravan and Rajesh have personified dutifulness by carrying their differently-abled brother Ramesh and mother Savitri Devi for the Kanwar Yatra on their shoulders.
UP: Two siblings carry mother, specially-abled brother on shoulders for Kanwar Yatra
The two brothers seated their mother and the specially-abled brother on the palanquin on July 11, after taking a bath in the Ganges at Harki Paidi.
Also read: Uttar Pradesh to allow Kanwar yatra this year
The two brothers seated their mother and the specially-abled brother on the makeshift palanquin on July 11, after taking a bath in the Ganges at Harki Paidi. On Friday, both the brothers reached Mangalore, Roorkee, where they took a rest. Shravan said that he was inspired to carry his mother and brother for the pilgrimage during one of his visits to Haridwar when he saw a boy from Haryana carrying his parents on his shoulders. “I decided that we would take our mother and brother on the Yatra in a similar way,” he said.