Lucknow:Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Wednesday disbursed the quarterly pension directly into the accounts of 98.28 lakh beneficiaries and said his government fully understands the pain of the deprived sections of society. Around Rs 2,955 crore was disbursed on the occasion. The government understands sentiments of every deprived and the needy, including the elderly, destitute women and divyangjans, and has doubled the monthly pension amount, the chief minister said interacting with beneficiaries online.
According to an official release, 56 lakh elderly, 31 lakh destitute women, 11.17 lakh specially-abled and 11,400 leprosy patients received the money online. Interacting with beneficiaries, he said before 2017, the divyangjans used to get Rs 300. It was first increased to Rs 500 and now Rs 1,000 is being provided to them, he said.