Mathura (Uttar Pradesh): After being denied a ticket by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the run-up to the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls, Satish Kumar Sharma, who resigned form the party on Tuesday, accused it of "betraying" him and not valuing "honest and dedicated" workers. Sharma, who was the party leader from Mathura, while speaking to media persons on Tuesday broke down into tears as he spoke about his works for the party.
"The BJP is not the same party anymore. Now, it doesn't follow its own ideology. Only the ones who loot the party are valued here. The rest, who are dedicated and honest workers are being ignored. I would always use my own resources to get people's works done and, in the return, the party denied a ticket. I have given my resignation. From now onwards, I have nothing to do with BJP," Sharma told media persons.