Lucknow:The BJP has attacked the Samajwadi Party on Thursday over the inclusion of the names of several alleged criminals in its list of candidates for the 2022 Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. However, the top leadership of the BJP took a jibe at SP president Akhilesh Yadav regarding the issue, saying that the SP candidates were ‘either in jail or out on bail’.
Names of such questionable candidates, however, are found in the lists of all major political parties ahead of Uttar Pradesh assembly elections. Out of the lists announced so far, cases have been registered against 18 SP candidates whereas for BJP, a total of 20 of its candidates face charges at the moment. Among the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP), there are 16 candidates have criminal cases against them and yet have filed nominations.
According to political experts, there exist provisions to prevent those having criminal cases against them from contesting elections. The discretion in this case lies with the judiciary, who can allow or disallow any candidate from contesting the elections based on their cognisance of crimes committed by the person.
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Senior Journalist Vijay Upadhyay opined that almost all major political parties at the moment have candidates with criminal backgrounds. “They can be termed criminals only when the court punishes them. If the government wants clean politics, then fast track court hearings should be conducted for MLAs, former MLAs, as well as MPs and former MPs. Either should face conviction, or be acquitted via trial. This is the only way politics can be cleansed off people with criminal tendencies."