Mumbai: A team of Uttar Pradesh Police posted a notice at the office of the producer and at the residence of the director of the controversial web series Tandav, asking him to appear before IO (Investigation Officer) on 27th January in Lucknow.
Interestingly, director Ali Abbas Zafar's residence was locked and nobody was there to accept the notice. Whereas, when the police team reached the office of Himanshu Mehra in Mumbai, they found that the producer had already vacated the building.
While speaking to media, Anil Kumar Singh, an Uttar Pradesh Police official said, " We have reached the residence of web series Tandav and the office of the producer. When we reached the director's house, no one was there to accept the notice whereas the produced had vacated the office a long back."
Amid growing dissent over his recent web series 'Tandav', show creator already apologised on behalf of the entire cast and crew, saying they did not intend to offend anyone or insult any religion and political party.