Mau(Uttar Pradesh):Police on Monday raided several places in Uttar Pradesh's Ghazipur to nab the wife and a son of mafia-turned politician Mukhtar Ansari. However, both could not be found. Circle Officer (City) Dhananjay Mishra said they raided the places of residence of Abbas Ansari and Afsha and their relatives in Ghazipur city, Yusufpur and Mohammadabad.
He said a godown located in the Dakshin Tola police station area was declared a property constructed through illegal means by Mukhtar Ansari and it was taken over by the government. Mukhtar's wife Afsha, his brother-in-law and another aide are accused in the case. A non-bailable warrant was issued against the accused but Afsha did not appear in the court.