Lucknow:Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday questioned the working style of the UP government, saying a worker of his party was held for showing a black flag to CM Yogi Adityanath and later it was claimed that he had a bomb. Mentioning the incident, the Leader of the Opposition said in the state Assembly that when he was a chief minister a man from Ghazipur called him, saying he would kill him.
"I asked why he wanted to kill me and he told me about some problems of his village, which were solved. I was also shown black flags many a time but I did not take any action," he said. Yadav also raised the issue of deaths in police custody. Earlier during the question hour, SP's Mahendra Nath Yadav and Atul Pradhan questioned the chief minister about the steps taken by the government to prevent incidents of robbery, dacoity and murder in the state.