Rampur: Four municipal employees including the chairperson of the Rampur Municipality in Uttar Pradesh were booked by police for allegedly burning a government records register, a charge denied by the accused. As per CO City Anuj Chaudhary, they had received information that some people were burning some government documents on top of the roof of a building, after which a team of police raided the spot.
Two persons, identified as Akhlaq, a clerk, and Junaid, a peon were caught on the spot even as half-burnt registers of the municipality were also seized from the spot, police said. Police further said that during interrogation, Junaid claimed that the municipality chairperson Fatma Zabi had called him and asked him to burn the registers.
The police officials wrote to the Executive Officer of the Rampur Municipality, Indu Shekhar Mishra after which a case was registered against 4 people including the chairperson of the municipality. Besides Akhlaq and Junaid, the fourth accused has been identified as Azimuddin.