Agra (Uttar Pradesh): Miscreants allegedly vandalised a temple and beat up the priest for being reprimanded for drinking outside the temple premises in Khandauli area of Etmadpur Police Station limits in Uttar Pradesh's Agra on Sunday. Police registered a case based on a complaint lodged by the victim. Ravi Kumar, president of the temple trust, said that the accused Nazim and Gulfam were drinking liquor near the Balaji Hanumanji temple near Badami Inter College late Sunday evening.
Miscreants vandalise temple in UP's Agra, case registered
Station House officer Khandauli Anandveer said that mischievous elements vandalised the Lord Hanuman temple. However, the idol has not been disfigured, he added. Hearing the commotion, the villagers rushed to the spot.
Also read:Temple vandalised in Lucknow, accused held
When the priest Umesh objected, both the youths abused and assaulted the priest leaving him injured, Ravi said. Station House officer Khandauli Anandveer said that mischievous elements vandalised the temple. However, the idol was not been disfigured, he added. Hearing the commotion, the villagers rushed to the spot. Seeing them, both the youths fled and threatened to kill the priest, the villagers said. The villagers informed the police control room about the incident. On receiving information, the police rushed to the spot and inspected the spot. After this, the police registered a case against the accused and launched a man-hunt to nab them.