Lucknow: Swati Singh, who was a minister in the Yogi Adityanath government, is in the news again since her audio is going viral on social media. In this, Swati is purportedly talking to a man, who is heard complaining that her husband Daya Shankar Singh has misbehaved with her and there is also a case of land grabbing.
During the conversation, Swati is allegedly accusing her husband Daya Shankar Singh of misbehaving with her and assaulting her. She says that her husband Daya Shankar Singh beats her up and pleads with the caller not to inform him about their conversation.
Swati Singh, who is the Minister of Women and Child Development, is a candidate from the Sarojini Nagar assembly seat which she won in 2017.
Daya Shankar Singh is also contending for the seat and it is being said that he is lobbying for the ticket.