Mathura: Dinesh Sharma, one of the main litigants in the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi case on Monday claimed to have received life threats and even faced attack attempts from unknown persons in his hometown Mathura. In a video wherein he is narrating the attack attempts and the threats, Sharma said that he has also notified the authorities about the threat to his life, but in vain.
"About 2 days back, I was sitting outside my house at around 10 am when two youths with their faces covered came on a bike and halted in front of my house. I immediately went back inside my house. The same two people also followed me on Sunday night, when I was on my way back home. In the area around Ading canal road, they tried to stop my car. When I didn't stop, one of them came from the wrong side and got a hold of my car's window. I somehow managed to get rid of him and reached home as soon possible." Sharma said in the video.
Narrating another attack that he was subjected to near the Magorra police station area, Sharma claimed that someone is trying to either intimidate him or kill him. "I have also received threats on WhatsApp. I have already submitted complaints in writing several times to all the authorities including the district administration, the Chief Minister, and the Governor. But my complaints have not been answered," he said.