Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh): The Uttar Pradesh government on Friday recommended a CBI inquiry into the suspicious death of a businessman in a Gorakhpur hotel. According to the state government, until the Central Bureau of Investigation takes over the death case of businessman Manish Gupta, the SIT formed by Uttar Pradesh Police will proceed with the investigation.
Manish Gupta was Kanpur-based businessman, who died on Monday after a police raid in a Gorakhpur hotel in which he got injured and later succumbed to his injuries. The family of the Kanpur-based businessman has alleged that he was beaten to death by police during the raid at the hotel.
The Police department suspended six policemen on Thursday for negligence during the raid at the hotel room in which Manish Gupta had died. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath met the family of the victim on Thursday in Kanpur.