Sonbhadra:Additional Sessions Judge FTC Ashutosh Kumar Singh on Tuesday sentenced four Naxalites to life imprisonment here in connection with the murder of Indra Kumar Gurjar, a resident of Khodaila village under the jurisdiction of Manchi police station, in 2005. The court has also imposed a fine of Rs Rs 2 lakh 30 thousand on each of the Naxalites. In case of failure to pay the fine, they will have to undergo additional imprisonment of two years.
The court has also ordered that Vidyavati, the wife of the deceased, will get half the amount of the fine, that is, Rs 4 lakh 60 thousand. The court after hearing the arguments of the advocates of both parties sentenced Bhola alias Rakesh Pal, Gopi alias Kishan Gopal, Vinod Kharwar, and Kamal Ji alias Lalvrat alias Rajguru to life in prison. According to Jai Prakash Gurjar, elder brother of the deceased, the said Naxalites killed Indra on August 2, 2005, on his way home.